
Does it float? I live in Florida. Home of torrential sideways thunderstorms. And multicanes.

Bankers bloodily battered by bad black box buying.

Saving money is expensive. You’re going to pay now or pay later. If you pay later, it’ll be 80 million instead of the 80000 that IT said they needed.

Is that you over in the next cube????

Your post is the most hilarious thing I’ve read in the last month. Thank you! I really needed a laugh today.

It (median income) can even vary drastically within a state. I will be retiring soon. My retirement income will be crappy by Orlando area standards, but I plan on moving to a rural area where it puts me above the median income for a family of four. It’s just the wife and I, so we’ll be OK. I’m thinking it’ll be just

Hoegaarden? Isn’t that where you cultivate Ladies Of The Night?

I call them Ki’- Pot - Lee. Just because I think it’s a dumb name.

Yikes. I’ve learned a new biology fact today.

Downtown Orlando.

Bathroom medicine cabinets fail two out of three: they tend to be hotspots for high temperatures and humidity.

I guess I should feel lucky to have to see this thingie occasionally. It was around 250K in 1991ish dollars. We’ve come up with many, many nicknames for it over the years, most of which are not publishable here.

I knew it reminded me of something creepy. You nailed it. Either those bugs or the things from Pitch Black.

“Chromeball Dinosaur Poop”.

All I can think of is Army Of Two when I see this. Shoot the tanks!!! Shoot the tanks!!!

If I spent fifty grand in eighteen months building a sexbot, I wouldn’t have to worry about the Kung-Fu Grip. I’d be dead. It’s not me owning a sexbot that’s the problem. It’s the fifty grand. Mrs. Wookie would kill me with a 2x4 trying to beat sense into my head.

Statussilver...very mesmerizing to watch. Dude must’ve spent a lot of time alone when he was a kid. All I can do with my hands is type badly.

Oh, I don’t want to beat them to death with the tire iron. I want to beat them badly enough that they are in need of an Opana script and Lidoderm patches. Then, I’d let them heal up for a while, then beat the living snot out of them again. Rinse. Repeat. Perpetually. Until the generic med was released.

I’ve noticed that in the last few years, male superheroes don’t shave so much. And what’s with Superman’s missing spitcurl??? That’s just not right. No wonder this is a depressing movie. I do like the photos of the Bat Armor. Me Wants.

Same as someone taking your chainsaw because you leave the garage door open.