
Paper Mache perhaps? Or maybe carved from blocks of styrofoam? That was the scariest picture of the bunch.

Yup. In my head, I called her Xena: Warrior Disney Princess.

Those of us old enough to remember 1960s Batman can no longer fit into our tights. Maybe I could pass for Mayor West instead....

Ha! You guessed correctly. And I forgot to mention that the sunrail train running frequently during commute hours does WONDERS for downtown traffic. And don’t get me started on the added noise downtown from Sunrail. I’ve actually switched to taking I-4 home from work in spite of the downtown crawl speed caused by the

Nest thermostat FTW. Installed a couple of years ago with new A/C and heat. Being able to manipulate the indoor temperature from under covers = priceless. All electric, so we can even change from cooling to heating within a couple seconds from under the covers.

Why is Hilary wearing sunglasses indoors while reading her phone? Someone please let her know that she can save battery life by taking the shades off.

For many years I have lived five miles from my job. Bus comes a block from my house, goes to terminal downtown a couple blocks from my job. Every few years I looked into riding the bus, since my job qualifies me for reduced bus fares - making buses even more attractive. Fricking thing only comes by my house once an

Move all the kids that are already dumb to the lead-filled schools. No harm done!

Bad or Good, my favorite Angels will always be Charley's.

Cosplayer reminds me of Frazetta drawings. Needs a giant tiger next to her. Awesome outfit though.

Shramm for President! !!

The elevators at work are undergoing scheduled refit and refurb . I made sure to tell the elevator guys how much I appreciate them. The building is about 25 years old. Incidents of folks stuck in the elevators has gone from rare to Meh, again????? within the last five years. It would be a minor inconvenience to me to

ESWL? Gotta have the stones for it.

Will Riker, The Most Interesting Man In Any Universe.

Have Space Suit, Will Travel ?

I’m SO OLD, I remember when movie theaters allowed cigarette smoking.

Several family members sharing a single Chromebook, Chromebox or chromebit is the one reason I can think of. Chrome browser running on a Windows box? Nope, don’t really need the user switching in the browser.

If people will agree to refrain from vaping on the flight, I will agree to not stop at Taco Bell on the way to the airport, eat three bean burritos with extra onions and then sit next to said vapers.

My thoughts precisely.

Thank you for that totally paranoia in spring gif. This is after watching a Haven episode last night where a large horseshoe crab with human eyeballs was following a girl around town.