
I’m so twisted. I love to watch that episode with X-files newcomers that haven’t seen it yet - just to see their reactions. heh heh heh

Wasn’t that the Peacock family in that episode? I can hear that creepy song playing in my head now.....

Ernie has excellent stance and form. Who knew Muppets had firearms training?????


Puny V10 5.9 inch screen. My Galaxy Mega 6.3 kicks sand on your scrawny frame.

Sniffing wireless keyboard transmissions still requires close physical proximity to your target. I have a fifteen year old hardware keylogger at work that does the same thing. It is a small device that looks like a keyboard port adapter. Only it records all keystrokes that pass through it. Stick it in the back of

You mean WATER??? Like in the TOILET??????

Geeze. Last week I educated myself on how septic tanks work. Grossed myself out. I pee and poop in my own bottled spring water source. Eeeeeeeewwwww! !!!!! Now you tell me Ive got human DNA in my hot dogs????? I had already glossed over in my head about the insect and rat parts in my processed meatlike products.

So, the ingredients are Beef and Franks? OMG I wondered why I haven’t seen Frank in a while.

Nope. That’s where the human DNA found during testing cane from. Soylent Green is people.

Frank? Those people aren’t here for you. Weird Al Yankovic is on the other plane.

I still to this day want to drink from the fire hose.

I’ve also noticed that the bottom of the elevator shafts in the building where I work have big honking springs with rubber bumper thingies. These were built/installed within the last 25 years though. Maybe they are just mounted there to make normal operation smooth upon getting to the ground floor, but knowing they

And don’t forget to hold up the little sign that says “Help!”.

Pointy beard, pointy skullcap, pointy shoulder pads, pointy moustache.....he’s either a really bad guy or he needs to fire the Royal Sartorialist.

For some reason, that photo just shouts “Will Riker, The Most Interesting Man In The Universe” at me. Someone hand that man a Dos Equis.

It’s hilarious. A little slow building up but worth the wait. Plus, boobies.

Yeah, but my dang desktop pc keeps sliding off and hitting the floor. ;)

......I’ll buy THAT for a dollar! “....

Well, everyone knows that Buckaroo Banzai has already traveled to other dimensions. I’ve been training for the zombie apocalypse, so I am already sort of prepared to fight the extradimensional monsters and such. Bring them on, I’m from Florida.