
I’m going to guess that the National Enquirer declined to publish his story as it was “a little out there”.

Psychotic Janeway with eyepatch? Count us IN!!!

Now that’s my kind of crazy. ;)

I do enjoy a bad movie, I will admit it. As long as it’s not boring and slow. Too much talkytalkyfeelingfeelings in some movies.

I still would not want Hemsworth mad at me. Dang his arms are big. Ooohhhh! Can we get Thor and The Rock to armwrestle for charity?

Cool. I hope Netflix picks it up. I wanna see it!!!

Smoothing the dry flyaways in her hairdo.

Giant Evil threatening the world? Don’t call a Hobbit. Call Corbin Dallas instead.

Next week. Imitation Krab is usually made out of MechaShark.

My hololens had better come with 7of9 and Janeway included.

Waddaya mean “LIKE” a cult??? ;)

I dunno bout that. I’m running Windows 10 on an ancient (circa 2007) HP s3000y Core 2 Duo desktop with two gig of RAM. Darn thing runs pretty well. Now I cannot justify getting rid of it.

“I really shoulda pooped before I walked out here...”

“This IS mah happie faaace!”

And......It’s the Circle Of Life.

And, pump shotgun and a sniper rifle. You can fix most problems with those.

Four days after Hurricane Charley, I was eating cold lima beans out of a can and liked them. (The missus was in the hospital at the time, so I was batching it.)

I was wondering that myself. Wouldn’t I burn myself into subatomic particles or something?

And BIG knives and machetes.

You’ve never seen me walking the hundred yards or so from my car to the building on Monday morning, have you? ;)