
Committed Lesbians??? Let them dress however they want if they are in the asylum, OK?

Ain’t nothing wrong with being pale.

Mrs. PookieWookie cracks me up. Occasionally she will game online in the afternoons while I am still at work. She is 40 - and we have been married for eight years now. She has a very high-pitched voice, especially when over electronic devices. On the rare occasions that she sues the mic, the teenage boys assume that

Wow. Interesting article by the author AND interesting, thoughtful comments!

I love your screen name. ;)

...all I want to do is have a beer and watch UFC and not talk about feelings.

Torchwood needs a couple truckloads.

The Molokai Milkbar? Or a spider glued to your eye? ;)

I was fine with watching the video until about the 4:32 minute mark. OMG Every muscle in my body squinched up in empathetic agony.

That commercial reminds me of the movie ‘Crazy People”. What if some advertising suddenly told the truth?

Me too. And he wore a bad toupee.

The Trunk Monkey commercials are right up there with the Two Spocks commercials.

I call them the “Vampire Teeth”. I’m really nearsighted and feel for them. i know which ways the teeth go on which devices.

Or a dab of White-Out. Oh wait..... :(

Thanks for that video. Absolutely. Freaking. Hilarious. :)

The Arrow’s back is always itchy due to wearing the burlap hoodie thing. So, he figures, “I’ve gotta change clothes anyway, I’ll just grab this here handy bow to scratch my back between outfits.”

Nicely Done!

1-800-ZMB-CLEN ?

Your comment is punny in so many ways.

That would explain why he is so pissed off and depressed looking. “Holy crap! It was bad enough that my happystick fell off, but there’s my sphincter lying next to it on the floor.” Poor Grimm eats/drinks, cannot pee/poop. Terminal constipation and bladder-flation. He’s in constant pain. No wonder he needs to clobber