
I apologize. I must be way off my game. It was meant to be humorous, wacky and lighthearted, rather than depressing. Maybe I should have used some smilies?

Are you INSANE??? Having two female AI’s under the same roof? That’s just asking for trouble. I predict that at some point in the not-too-distant future, Cortana and Alexa will gang up on you and you will likely die in your sleep.

I use Win7 here at work with three physical monitors. (No, my boss will not allow me to upgrade to Win10.) I need the screens because I am nearsighted and have to blow everything up large and typically have eight to ten vastly different programs running at the same time. This means a boatload of windows open. I’m used

Virtual desktops? Nice, for those of us familiar with the concept. I’m SO glad that I don’t work at the Microsoft Windows 10 Help Desk though.

*sigh* If only we could take the humans out of the equation, the computers would be just fine on their own.

And I loved the way the doctor explained the surgery to them before beginning. That was just unnecessarily mean. It’s bad enough to end up at the tail end of the ‘pede. But to know in advance and think about what the psych doc was going to do to me? Now THAT’S torture.

Really? I wan’t the only one that watched Xtro? And yes, that was a rather disturbing scene. I was reminded of it when watching that Ace Ventura movie with the Rhino bit.

Or that he would have had eye surgery by now. Really, we can tell which one is Reed by the trademark silver-haired temples.

Yes, but she can claim Workers’ Comp.

I don’t know why, but the above made me laugh out loud. Thanks !

You’ve got to admit it, Harry Potter could have fun screwing with the other kids at a science fair.

maybe Rob can snark “Ice Pirates” for us sometime, just for fun?

Yes! Like crushing up the annoying kid’s car into a ball when he pisses you off once too many times.

I thoroughly enjoyed the previous two F4 movies. I thought the cast was outstandingly chosen. These new guys, I haven’t heard of any of them. But hey, they gotta eat too, I guess. Sounds like I need to wait for it to show up on Neflix.

Hey. Ultraviolet had gratuitous violence and Milla’s adorable belly button. Can’t go wrong with that combo.

Except for the one that had Sybil Danning.

I will always remember that walking carrot.

Weapons, many. ;)

Reminds me of “There’s Something About Mary”.

I was wondering how far I would have to scroll to see the giant star trek kitty.