
No, no no. It’s Rich Cardassian Leather. Made from the skin of real Cardassians.

In 2017, Ford will be releasing a new feature in this line of seats. It will be called the “Testic-Hole” - a rounded, width and depth adjustable depression along the centerline of the seat.

Yup. This will end the “One Cheek Sneak” era. Ford’s real reason for designing the seat is to promote the new trademarked “Flatu-Matic Fart Tunneling” technology built into these seats. Your farts will be easily set free to roam the cabin with the patented “Ass-Crevasse” slot down the center of the seat.

Thank you! As a side note to the above, if I can gain physical access to your computer for a few minutes, it’ll be mine, without you ever noticing. I’m an old fart that learned to break into computers in the old fashioned ways before everyone conveniently plugged into the networks and interwebz. I am capable of that

Un-impressed. Still requires physical proximity to my car or garage door. Plus, who would really want to steal a 2011 Kia Forte sedan? That’s the best theft deterrent after a stick shift. Buy a bland, boring four-door generic little white car.

Tugboat guys were thinking “Damn! It’s a good day to be a tugboat guy.”

Sorry folks. Couldn’t resist.

<singing> Crane, crane, craaaane!! Crane of Fools!!!!

There ya go. Land cranes on a barge. Of course they slide off! Idiots didn’t nail them down.

That’s what I was thinking - Netherlands is very very watery, this is likely a fairly common repair. It just looked like an accident waiting to happen to me. Proportions looked wrong or something. Made my Spider-Sense tingle violently. Poor doggie.

I’m definitely NOT an engineer of any kind, but that barge looks too awfully darned narrow to me to handle cranes extended to that height with that heavy of a load on them. And, one of the cranes looked to me a little too close to the edge of the barge. And yeah, wind could easily be a factor affecting that huge slab.

Yeesh. Double Yeesh. Both of those videos remind me of watching Final Destination movies.

Chainsaw? Check. Frozen lake? Check. What could possibly go wrong?

This is not news. I could “transmit data” by flipping my bedroom light off and on while tuning my ancient AM desk radio to a spot without a channel. ZZzzt zt zzzzzttt zt zt zzzztttt! he’s just doing it with software.

And in my experience, even a half-arsed, not-well-thought-out, crappy plan is better than no plan at all. ;)

We’re the same way, but more boring. We do not enter places of strong drink. We’re both 99.9 percent non-drinkers. Just our personal preferences.

And that’s why you will rarely see me in an establishment where the main goal is to serve alcohol. If it needs a bouncer on the staff, i do not need to go there. ;) That’s just my preference. And, you will not see me getting out of my car at a stoplight to go clobber a motorcyclist that I think wrong me in some way.

I love your screen name.

Really, my wife will wear the tires off sending the car to pick up her Taco Bell. The car had better not forget to ask for plenty of Hot sauce, either. That’s an executable offense.

Holy Macro! That’s an EXCELLENT idea. Rolling mini motels, rent ‘em by the hour!