
TACO BELL !!!! In the future, every restaurant is Taco Bell.....

Came here for this photo. Was not disappointed.

Are you in Florida with me? LOL My morning shower freshness gets ruined in the fifteen feet from the front door of the house to the drivers’ seat of the car.

I was thinking of it as more “peeing on my territory to mark it” rather than just waving things around. LOL

OK. On the subject of the ear-magnet-implants-neck-coil-I-can-hear-music-when-I-stick-my-finger-in-my-ear dude..... and the enhanced-night-vision-by-putting-dangerous-chemicals-in-my-eyes dude ..................................................................................................

No, it’s just a crappy job of stitching.

We humans are disgusting. We slow down to look at traffic accidents to see if we can see anything gory, and we click on shit we shouldn’t have. :/ For some reason, it’s part of our genetic makeup.

Honestly, the people getting hit by cars while on Facebook are probably the ones who would’ve otherwise been hit while crossing the street reading a book (okay, a lot of them probably wouldn’t be reading books normally, but you know what I mean). “

“I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up!”

Remember Win 3.1? Heck. I remember using Win 3.0. I think ms-dos was up to v 3.something back then. Show of hands of those that ever configured a RAM disk.

Got an old webcam laying around? Most have mics built in.

True. Your friend is fortunate to know you. I’m thinking more about the professional panhandlers, drunks, and drug addicts that I’ve encountered here in Orlando.

For the love of pancakes, do NOT install solar crap ON YOUR ROOF.

I think the key word in your post is “working”, not “connections” . You were willing to work for a roof over your head.

Lawn darts were fun. We weren’t allowed to use them without a parent present. The parents in my neighborhood were sober, most of the time. No one ever caught a dart with a body part. Even the dumb kids knew they were a bit dangerous. Somehow we all survived in the time before bicycle helmets, too.

Yeah. You have to push start them because there is no crank handle or propeller to turn.

“Shit. Now on top of everything else that has happened to me today, I’ve got SAND IN MY EYE! OWWWW THAT BURNS!!”.

And people look at me like I’m weird because I use a knuckle or the edge of my hand to push elevator buttons. I know that my fingertips go in my eyes frequently. I can’t help it.

No. I was wondering who had left for Stovokor.

Neato. Thanks for posting the info. Nearly everything in our house is on dimmers with incandescent. Been wanting to upgrade to LEDs. Oh, the long lifespan of CFLs ? Hogwash. I’ve killed off eight or ten in the last three years.