
Dangit. I thought, based on the picture, this article was about a micro SD that came preloaded with 500 gig of S/M pictures. :/

OK...USB advice for the youngins.

Deleted due to bad taste.

We have a 60 lb. boxer mix that climbs onto my chest and slaps me all over the face with her tongue to let me know it’s daylight and time to get up.

So, did he meet John Carter ?


When I was growing up, we had a black Persian that liked to lay outside in the shade under a certain tree, minding it’s own cat business. Stupid birds would dive-bomb and try to nip at the poor cat, getting closer and closer each time. You know how this story ends. Why move around in the Florida summer heat, when the

Well, sort of. Dogs have packs. They think of us humans as really, really ugly and weird acting canines. But definitely, cats DO indeed have staff.

Cats drool? I didn’t remember. It’s been around twentyish years since I lived with a cat. Large dogs drooling I can vouch for. Especially when you are handling/eating any kind of meat. Or when they have just killed a good sized rat in the back yard and brought it into the house to eat upon the Carpet Of Death. It cost

For gosh sakes. Wash them toys with soap and hot water after each escapade. (Well....Isn’t that how you clean your “built-in equipment” after usage?) Dry with a clean towel, allow to air dry for a while if possible. Try NOT to forget that your “collection” is laying out on the bathroom counter for passers-by to see.

No, but it IS the Super Nanny state. Sorry! Couldn’t resist.

I was wondering when Bruce practiced law.

You win the best comment of the day!

Well, frat boys may enjoy the same things Mrs. PW and I do, but my frat days are long gone. They were circa 1978-1980. It was all night Dungeons and Dragons back then. Born in Florida, now in my mid fifties in Florida, never left Florida. I’ve had my share of sun, picnics, crawly things. Mrs. PW has five brothers,

Excellent idea ! Or, how about “Halo’s Kitchen” ? Chef Ramsay and Master Chief, together at last! Occasional appearances by guest judges Arbiter, Cortana, Sergeant Johnson and the Prophet Of Regret.

Neko ran on Win95 and Win98. Try googling “neko windows 98” and “neko windows 95”.

Hello everyone, I’m PookieWookie, and I am an Electronoholic. I upgrade relentlessly and all my old devices, gizmos and wires collect dust in my home office. Sometimes my family members are Enablers and bring me their unneeded electronics. I have four DSL modems in the unruly pile on my workbench, yet I have not

The original Neko was ported to Windows also. He was quite adorable.

Yeah...NOPE. Our idea of a summer picnic involves large quantities of Mountain Dew, having pizza and subs delivered, turning the thermostat down to 70 fahrenheit, cranking up the XB1 with Halo:Master Chief Edition, warming up the 82 inch TV, 600 watts of dual subwoofing surround sound and slaughtering each other in

Excellent ideas! You forgot to mention that most people are idiots, though. Pedestrians, cyclists, drivers, idiots one and all. Occasionally even I pull an idiot move in traffic. Then you mix in texting and cell calls. Death Race 2020 anyone? My area is in the top ten for getting run over by a car. Recently there was