
It’s actually flattering that Chinese carmakers copy US designs. We are slowly westernizing China, one vehicle at a time.

You say that like it’s a bad thing...

I tried to jump over the fence and got my ascot.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Great Things Mind Alike!!!! A million times, YES!!!!

If we had the cash in the bank, Mrs. PookieWookie would jump all over it. She is awesome like that. All it really needs is a bigger engine, dual exhaust and CherryBombs. And by bigger engine I mean nothing under 400 CID. While we are grafting parts on, I do know that in the 70s Olds made a 455, and Plymouth made a

But I LOVE completely butchered monstrosities! 2900 is way too high a price though. For such unique beasts, 500 if it drives OK, 1000 if it has working A/C and heat.

Tippi Hedren ?

Your dad is so cool. Cool as a cucumber, you might say.

I have been traumatized by WTMI over the years in relation to my dad’s dumb stick. For many years my older brother took care of driving dad to procedures and other medical stuffs. My older brother has always blabbed everything he knows about everything, so I know way way way too much detail about things better left

300 1.4 meg floppies. LOL

Jaws was nearly as good as Mega shark vs. Mechashark.

Yup. Just a movie. Grew up in Florida surrounded by sharks. Never bothered me all the times I have been in the ocean. Now, jellyfish, that’s another story. Anyone know of a good jellyfish horror movie?

Yup. Everyone knows that. ;)

Trancers, Phantasm, Resident Evil, Fifth Element, Lifeforce, Xtro.....yeah, I’m weird. Old and weird. These are the things that make me feel better.

Come on, folks. Anything you do on a network connected device can be hacked, sniffed, listened in on, decrypted, decoded if someone wants to badly enough. If you want privacy of communication? Go old school. Hand write notes on rice paper. Hand them to the recipient, who then reads and eats the message. Or, you COULD

I’ve found that the drama courses and acting in high school have been invaluable to me in the decades since. Impersonation of a “normal person” on a daily basis at work is as tiring as heck though. I kick myself for waiting until I was in my fifties before getting help. Doh. Be stubborn, er......I mean persistent! I

Well, I didn’t used to have near enough space for old photos on my phones. Our Galaxy Mega 6.3 phones support 64 gig SD cards so that’s what I installed. That plus the available internal memory equals :). Pretty Neato to carry every photo I’ve ever scanned in or taken in the last 25 years around with me everywhere. Of

Well, duh. Make a car that will stand up after yo get out and you’ve solved the parking space problems of the world. I could fit two cars in my one car garage. This is genius!

C hanging from zero desire to “some” desire would be awesome. So I’m told.

This time, the aliens come back with only manual, mechanical controls on their ships. No computers to hack or reprogram. We are most defiinitely and totally screwed.