
Yet another reason why our only child has paws and a tail. ;)

It impresses the girl sharks.

“Does your cat fly ?”

Killing MRSA is easy. Killing the MRSA without killing the patient, now that’s a bit more tricky. It’s time we surprised the bugs with something they haven’t had to deal with for a while. Everything runs in cycles, folks. Use Viking remedy for a few decades, wait for the bugs to become resistant again, then switch

Pretty neat. Could eventually start replacing computer monitors and giant TVs. I can also see it being a boon to people with low vision problems. The ability to zoom in and make what you are looking at larger would be freaking awesome. Like, if I want to read labels on OTC meds at the drugstore, I’ve got to remember

Dangitdangitdangit!!! Somehow I missed this post last year. Gotta add this to our Rokus. Right now. I think Google is pretty smart here. I’ll buy or rent a few movies that I can’t stream via Netflix. Another leetle income stream for Google!

I’m far too impatient for that crap. Bolt cutters for me.

LOL.... idiots at the airline. Either keep backup I pads in the cockpit or keep old fashioned paper manuals as i pad backup. My understanding is that passenger jets have redundant systems for most stuff. I’m pretty sure that the time and jet fuel used to taxi back to wifi signal is pricey. But really....pilots do not

I believe that both science and belief in the Bible are open to individual interpretation. Both are not black and white, both are gray areas. Remember that scientists once knew the earth was flat. Both science and religion were created by fallible human beings.

Time travel both forward and backward is rather easy. Just drive back and forth across the International Date Line.


Preferably in a Klingon battle cruiser.

Most definitely - and we CAN change the future. :) But, does time really exist at all ? Is time not just an imaginary artificial construct so the humans can manage to show up together at the same place at the same moment ? Necessary, or we wouldn’t get much done, I suppose. Did it begin with the first caveman that

Yes, but my lovely wife was REALLY happy with the twin Rikers.....

Paperclips are still very relevant in today’s high tech world. How else would we be able to reset/reboot our wifi routers ?

And hey...... didn’t I see something kindasorta that in a Batman movie ?

Wouldn’t radio waves travel at the speed of radio waves ? :] If they travel at the speed of light, how come my wifi isn’t really really really fast ???? ;P

Yeah, she looks like she is going to puke.

Apple got a head start. Google is catching up fast. Cost of OS will see Google/Android dominate eventually. Just like Windows platform still dominates the desktop market over Mac. I work in a large IT department. I’d say it’s split about 50/50 for personal owned devices between ios and android with three or four

Mulder and Scully need these.