
Is one of them named John-117 by any chance ?

John Smallberries screwed up the proposal submission. John Bigbootay was SO pissed.

You mean the Halo ?

“Team Lift Only” ?

Pretty neat, DARPA. But now I want a hand grenade that goes exactly where I want it to, not exactly how I throw it.

Shut up and take my money for that 3D Milla-printer.

Now, THAT is really economical.

I’ve been wanting one of those since the very first time I watched that beautiful movie.

I believe he is touring at the moment.

I have no idea about other states, but here in crazy ‘ol FL, it’s illegal to record a phone call without notification to the recipient that they are being recorded first.

Yup. Avatar 2: The Reservation. Avatar 3: Casino Revenge. Avatar 4: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

Your 67 inch screen is not nuts. Our 82 inch screen is kinda nuts.

Computers are quite secure, once you remove the people from them.

Oh wait..... I’m in central FL, never mind..... :/ Now I feel left out.

Hey Europeans ! Stop looking at me !!!

OK, I call BS on this story. I will need assistance with providing references to back up my debunking.

I see chrome bit as a boon to those of us with 88 year old parents. Dad knows how to research his meds using a browser. Turns on his new desktop about once a month. Chrome upgrades itself and takes care of it’s own security updates. It’s great for those who have limited computer needs. And it’ll be good for casual

What do you expect from a a dude wearing a Charlie Brown t-shirt ?

Nope Nope Nope. Do not mess with it. It was the perfect storm of talents and emerged at the right time in history to be what we needed, right when we needed it. I still remember going into the men's room for a pre movie leak. Frank N. Furter came and peed at the next urinal. I had no idea what I was in for.

Me ? I have way too much stuff to put all computers and networking stuff on UPSes. The expensive stuff gets UPSed and sorta expensive stuff gets surge protected. I tried some less pricey no-name UPSes once, they died within a couple years. The big one protects the giant tv, gaming systems, receiver and such.

Me ? I have way too much stuff to put all computers and networking stuff on UPSes. The expensive stuff gets UPSed