
When I was young and poorer than I am now, I used the same for windshield washer fluid in the car. Lotsa water, leetle bit of windex. (Florida, so didn’t have to worry about it freezing.)

If someone is making a few bucks off of you buying a smoothie, it's very likely bad for you. If you made it yourself and know exactly what is in it, it's great for you.

Windex !!!! Seriously. Try one part windex or similar to ten parts water. Also, an old time supposed hack is using vinegar on the windows and wiping with newspaper.

Yes. You are. And so am I.

Gosh, you guys are OLD !!!! (Looks at self in mirror and grimaces)

Ha ! My first hard drive was smaller ! Ten Megabits ! Twas an IBM XT.

I think whether or not owning your own cable modem is a wise idea is largely dependent on your location. I'm in Orlando, Florida, USA — a.k.a. the Lightning Capital of the USA. Decades of experience with electronics here tells me that renting the cable modem/router/wifi is better for me in the long run. Every few

I think whether or not owning your own cable modem is a wise idea is largely dependent on your location. I'm in

Yes, I agree! Good thing I don't cook much.

Nawp. Don’t need ultrawide monitors. I’m half blind. Need multiple monitors, no matter what the size is. It doesn’t matter how high the resolution can go. I’m just gonna reset it to something drastically lower.

Super power ? Heck. I’d sign up instantly for gear that would grant me perfect, clear 20/20 vision in both of my eyes. Just good healthy normal eyeballs. Mine are not correctable to better than around 20/60, not with current technology and techniques. Started getting floaters when I was around 35. Right eye is like

Unless Summer Glau gets added to the cast. ;)

Yup. Tom Baker/Lela Ward combo was the only time that I found Dr. Who watchable.

Yeah, but that 23 year old hard drive can stop a bullet.

......"From those who have suffered from addiction to pain pills, they use cannabis to manage their pain and are off of their pain meds." — Greta Carter

Weeeeeeelllll now we know who will be winning the Hunger Games next year. Thankfully I am far to old to be chosen from my sector.

Hey KK !! The mid seventies called, they want their sunglasses back!!

AAaaaaaaannnddddd that's why we have never invaded Canada. Canadians are awesome.

Well, sure, easily hackable if you are a researcher for the security firm Cylance. All systems are hackable given enough time, knowledge, and money. And that is not including the quick, lazy, easy way into a system - social engineering. Everything has a flaw somewhere, systems are created, designed, built and

I'm in favor of building new nuclear power plants. Just pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease do not connect them to the internet.

How can anyone resist that face ???