
OK..all you guys bragging about fake IDing into bars.

I don't care WHO you are.....that right there was FUNNY.

Holy Crap. You are probably correct. It sure would explain a lot.

This is amusing to me. Why, you ask ? It reminds me that I am SO OLD, my nudie pictures were done with a Polaroid camera.

Thanks to everyone for posting the comments ! This is definitely on our To Watch list now. We likely will wait till it is available on Netflix via Bluray or streaming. We are very snobby, discerning, elitist movie critics. But we did enjoy the heck out of watching Bad Milo. All Hail Skyline and Skyline II !!!

Gawrsh. Don't you remember the Hulu commercials ? ??? Watching so much tv makes human brains mushy and TASTY !!! That's why we ALWAYS attract the aliens to Earth.

Yes ! Galaxy Mega 6.3 for the win !!!

Ya know, that photo taken out of context...looks like some kind of torture device ........

Nope.Nope.Nope.Nope. That metal thing would TOUCH me. Too Creepy.

Hey !!! Who installed a toilet and sink in my office ? Neat !!!!!

I suspect that Japanese children are taught growing up to be considerate of other people. That doesn't happen here in the USA any longer.

The "and electrical supply" part scares me. No way am I going to connect house current to my poopthrone. It's my Safe Place and I'd like to keep it that way. Also, it's just another freaking computerized device I have to maintain.

Ooohhh I want the bathroom and the toilet and the bidet in the top photo. Looks like a spaceship....all future-ey and stuff. Nice ! That is what Captain Picard's Ready Room dumper looks like.

Nice to see them thinking in a nonstandard way.

6.3 works for me !!! It's personal pref, folks. My hands are average to large with long fingers. My wife has tiny little hands compared to mine. and LOVES her Galaxy Mega 6.3 just as much as I love mine. On the rare occasions when people ask to see mine, I take it out of the bulky super-protective case and hand

I's like to point your attention to the 1984 video documentation of a certain scientific experiment regarding travel through other dimensions. The name of the documentary is "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension".

I guess "sophisticated" means any technique more fancier than reading the sticky note stuck to the monitor. ;}

Exactly. Looks like Iron Man and Gumby mated with Chucky and produced an Evil Offspring.

Hey. Let's not forget the utterly forgettable Microsoft Bob.

Dangit, Milla ! *sigh* OK. We will wait. Perhaps name the baby Apocalypse ? Sounds Greek, works for boy or girl. :)