
Thanks for posting ! Never sae that movie nor heard the Bunyip Song before today. My wife will love it !!!! God Bless The Interwebz !!

Sadface. He forgot to include the talking dogs in the reimagined trailer. That was the BEST part of the movie. SQUIRREL !!!!!!

Yes, the I.T. staff DOES know what you are doing AND what sites you are browsing on your employer-owned computer. So, stop it ! You'll go BLIND !!!

It's a safe guess that Houdini had a little issue with OCD or something similar that drove him to extremes. Admirable that he used it to make a living.

Captain Picard muttered to himself as he rode painfully back toward the beam-down point. "After Crusher plugs up these holes, I am going to find out which Tribble-headed idiot was on duty in the History Department today and sent me down to the planet's surface to make First Contact in a late 20th century space suit

Yes. After seeing her again rewatching Paul...she still has it. I want to see her shoot stuff and blow stuff up.

OK, here's my trivia:

Uh....Didn't Duchovny make a movie about that ? ;]

I'm going to say it.

"We're gonna need a bigger Warp Drive !"

Having recently "forced" my wife to sit through ALL Star Trek series and movies, I can vouch for that blinkie thingie. It must have been an inside joke - "Hey ! We need something sciency looking in the background. Let's dust off/shine up Old Blinky again !

Nah. Instructions are too complicated for me to follow.

I don't spend a lot of time here, so I have not seen the GIFs in question. I do enjoy the comments on these Gawker Media blogs immensely, though. I would be fine with NO file uploads if necessary. I *would* miss Bugs Bunny sawing off Florida though.

And yes, I have the disc from the memorial to prove it. Also the zombie photos that were taken of her. And plenty of witnesses. :-)

True Story (really!):

I was going to comment, but everything I typed made me sound like an Arrogant A-hole when I read it. I feel very very very sorry for the surviving kids, they are going to be needing therapy for years to come.

I opened this article hoping to learn something I didn't already know. I lead such a boring life.

You got it correct !

In central Florida, you used to be able to open a crappy restaurant, serve crappy food, and have nothing but crappy, cranky staff - and still customers would walk in continuously. That much turnover of tourist and other transient populations with money to spend meant you didn't have to try at all to break even.

And.......It's What Plants Crave !