
I will be first in line to purchase a McReplicator at my local McWalmart on the first day they are available.

My gosh she has such gorgeous teeth and hair....and eyes...and lips....and cheekbones....and dimples.....and smile ! How can you NOT fall in love with her - whether straight, bi, gay, androgynous or neutered ?

Rushing now to open an Audible account...... I do NOT care if the book is any good or not. I just want to hear Gillian talking to ME for a couple hours.

Many Thanks to all of you ! Now I gotta go plug all these titles into Netflix and see which are available on disk and streaming..... I know what I'm doing this weekend !!!

Sadly.....that was my very first thought also. Widespread usage of this fabric MUST NOT HAPPEN. It would eliminate the most sacred of my tribal traditions:

Well, duh. That's called "Education". Makes your brain all squinchied up.

Bonus Points awarded for using the phrase "suicidal puke machine". +1500

After reading these replies, I am now in officially love with Brighthouse. The techs make the two hour windows or call my cell if they are running a little late. And, they do weekends. I try to schedule for first appt in the morning, even though it hurts on the weekends - so they haven't gotten delayed on other

Idiocracy is one of my all time favorite movies, because It's Got Electrolytes. It's What Plants Crave !

Really ? In my world this stuff barely moves the needle on the Weird-O-Meter. Of course, I do live in Florida, Where The Weird Comes To Us.

This whole freaking article makes my buffer overflow ! Any computing device that uses firmware can be exploited. Duh. This is why I am still using anaLOG toilets at home. (Get it?) Thank the good Lord that my cheapo Walmart sneakers do not have firmware in them. I could be tripped !

It's taken me many many many years to even get within sight of that number. Really ?

Nope. It's way older. Its not a ship either. It's a giant, caveman-eating trilobite skeleton.

Machete don't tweet.

Maybe I am a bit feeble-minded.....but there are certain countries I would not fly into without Jack Bauer piloting my heavily armed military fighter jet. Certain countries that have been troubled and filled with civil and political unrest since I was a child. (I'm in my fifties now.) In recent decades the list

Sterling idea ! Wish I had been forced to take one when I was in school. I have learned the very hard way that I cannot handle my own money well. I have no idea why my parents didn't teach me the financial stuff they knew.

OMG. Can I use that line ? Is there a licensing fee ?

Ummm.... Yeah. Got those rim rental stores down here too. Waddaya think ? maybe some 24's on my Kia Forte ?

Now we know why your tires are toasted. :)

Nononononono no no no no. I ain't birthin' no babies, Miss Scarlet. I'd rather suffer through three colonoscopy preps in a row.