
Well, it's an interesting technology. Theoretical computing power does not equal practical computing power. Kinda like the the speed of that new wifi router you just bought. ;-)

LOL There aren't many of us old fogies left that even know what "dialup" is. ;)

What's a bitcoin? I've worked in IT for 23 years. I was a very late adopter of Direct Deposit of my paycheck. Too dang many things have to go RIGHT for money to flow electronically. I used to have to stand and watch the printer print our payroll checks.

-Living things. Enough said.

Over the "renting years" of my life, I had mostly awesome landlords. The two most memorable lived in the other side of the house, I/we lived in the "mother-in-law" apartment. Both were quiet, older couples. Both took care of issues in a timely fashion if critical. One tiny place I occupied for five years with NO

Yup. You win the Internet Prize for today.

Soooo....where can I buy one of those computers with an ultrasonic speaker built in it ?

This bed is eggstraordinarily eggciting.

OK. I'm stupid. So, I gets optins injected into my nerves that are causing me chronic pain. (criminy, that's gonna hurt, and make me hurt even more). Then wait two weeks for my nerves to soak 'em up. Now, I have light sensitive nerves. Assume for a moment that the light docs know what colors of light I need to

nah. What they hear is "blahblahblahKITCHENblahblahblahblahDINNERblahblahblahblahSANDWICHblahblahblahblahblahFOOD.

I use 80s rock on pandora in the mornings to get blood flowing on work mornings and improve my mood. We often forget music is a mood altering substance. I take my mental meds every day. Not perfect, but they help tremendously in keeping me from falling in to the Pit Of Despair(tm). There is zero productivity in

65 pound boxer mix with sharp nails climbs onto my nekkid chest and sticks a giant, hot, slimy tongue up my left nostril, poking me in the brain. This action wakes me up.

And UHF.... (I think)...."Badgers! We don't need no stinking badgers!"

Crap. You are correct. I got them all confusalated.

Haven't these idiots ever been to the movies ? Yeesh. If I had kids they'd be lookin' like pincushions from all the vaccinations. Help prevent the zombie apocalypse and worldwide disease death tolls - get your dang kids shots up to date.

I don't care who ya are, that right there is funny. ^

Well, Lady Bird is a fine name per Hank Hill. I would have given her a Dune-related name though. After all, she is a giant sandworm.

Someone take this teenage wonder wannabe to a doctor. Gotta get the knock-knees and pigeon-toes fixed while she is young.

Or loose beach sand.

OK. You win Second Internetz prize today.