
Dang. You beat me to it. I was thinking Jesus never said that line.....but I guess He did. :-)

So..this is just like having my wife sitting next to me on the couch looking up actors on IMDB with her cell or tablet and telling me what else we can see them in.......oh, wait....I already have that...and it requires no special glasses....and it's voice controlled!

Aaaand...the video on the right is not what I would call "full color", either. Oh yes, the Canon FS-100 video used for comparison, Date first available at Amazon.com: January 7, 2008. Aren't we in 2014 now? Can you spell "stacked deck" ? Yeesh. And I am by no means a total video camera expert. I'm just a tech

OK. I will start. The video on the left is not night vision. It's just a standard video camera being used at night. The black/green images we are used to seeing in movies and military footage are INFRARED images - heat sources, including humans show up as various shades of green.

I'm rather paranoid. I see from 6 to 10 snipers in each photo. :-)

I'm not saying that's bad, that's just the way it will be. (Yes, I am a crackpot. I'm on a day pass from the hospital.)

Google needs this technology in order to power it's worldwide network of servers and fiber and self-driving car and searching and everything. Mark my words, someday in a few decades or so, this planet we sit on will be renamed from Earth to Google.

Let's see if we can set a new record for Poop Jokes Per Hour. I will start off:

Yes, please! I am an expert in this area.

Maybe that Human Centipede doctor was onto something after all.......

I think they found it in the Poop Bank from the next article.

Halo? Is that you?

Bugs Bunny would still be shown sawing off Florida.

I was born with very bad vision. Best correction makes me just barely legal to drive with doctors certification. And my color perception is really weird. And I have a buttload of floaters in each eye. However, I cannot imagine losing what vision I do have. My heart goes out to this poor dude.

I'm guessing the poop-pipe breath is what kills the porcupines in the first place.

We have been using Nest thermostat since October. For those of you where the house is empty part or all day while everyone is at work/school it programs itself nicely. However, my wife is disabled and at home most of the time. She also gets hot/cold/hot/cold/hot/cold spells. Where the Nest makes us love it is

Well, I like my Nest thermostat, and I like my "free" Google products. I don't have a problem with it. Really, any wifi enabled thermostat that enabled us to change thermo setting from any location in the house would have done fine for us. But, my super HVAC/electric/plumbing etc guy knows I like gadgets and asked

Oooooooo. One of my all time favorite movies!!!

Excellent story! Khan nightmares! Ear surgery plus pain meds plus Khaaaaaaaaaan!!!!! That s.o.b. just keeps coming back again and again. Please don't bleed on the rich corinthian leather, mmmmmK ?

Yep. Tim Curry was awesome in that role. A very under appreciated actor. And he wears heels well.