
Yup. Definitely. Got the crazy down pat already.

Exactly my thoughts.

Forget controlling people. I want a universal remote control for my home theater stuff implanted in my brain.

Even 1000 years in the future after we left Earth, bad things still happen during space flights. You'd think we would have invented systems to deal with crap like that happening. That far into the future, it should be no more dangerous than a short drive to the local grocery store.

My debit card info has been hacked twice already. But my credit union has good fraud detection in place. And I check the account nearly every day. I do use the debit card to buy stuff online. My whole identity stolen ? Nope. Unless you get to my account at just the right moment, you won't get more than a hundred

I will bet he has Big Balls.

And this is the way the world ends.

Count me in too. My wife loves Milla and RE movies as much as I do. We tried the video game, hated it. We will watch darned near anything with Milla in it.

Thank you. And thank's to the inventors of tennis. And Video cams.

You guys do realize that the word "Twitter" begins with the word "twit", don't you ?

Talk about reading too much into a video game.... sheesh.

The 'splozhun blew her clothes off.

Watched this very recently. Dark Star rules !

Our beloved previous dog was cremated. There was someone that knew someone that hand-painted pictures of pets on cremation urns. All I had to do was provide a few printouts of photos. It turned out extremely well.

What if the invading alien fleet consists of 853 ships ?


It is really a wonder that any of us survived childhood.

Giant rats = solves world hunger.

It's also bonus points for Star Trek reference. 7 of 9.

My wife and I both had the original Atrix. We both loved it, ditched our Backflips for them. Wife's Atrix did a faceplant on concrete, screen badly shattered, but everything still worked. Gave us an excuse to upgrade to Atrix HD phones. We love them even more than the original Atrix.