
I was hoping for Jelly Bean to come to our Atrix HD phones in 2013. It showed up a few weeks early!!!! Thank you, Motorola, ATT, and Google !!!!!!!!!!!!!11

I have been married to my adoring gamer wife for about five years. She absolutely loves games that we can play co-op campaigns on. I shoot enemies in the ankle with a sniper rifle, then she runs over and snaps their neck/stomps head.

I will stick to CDs, thank you.

Yes, those were kinda bad. Hong Kong Phooey talks like a donkey. That just ain't right. Sad to say, I would watch them both as time-killers if they ever came to Netflix.

Well, that explains why it costs so much for a movie ticket.

Exactly what I was thinking about while reading this article. Unless your name is Superman (meaning you are invulnerable to everything) lose the capes.

Dangit. I've bought a few refurbed items over the years, some even from Gamestop. I have yet to find any leftovers from previous owners, much less nudes of previous owners. I am so jealous.

New Horror Movie Plot = Several 20-something, drunken, drug-addled Americans wrongly arrested while visiting China are abducted and cured of their "addiction" by the Chinese government.

I have already notified the appropriate parties about the year 10000 problem.

Nice! Now we can make rockets that work just in old sci-fi movies.

I am pretty sure that we are clumsy and stupid compared to dolphins. But I haz fingerz and canz typez !

I bet you cannot fit my 82 inch Mitsubishi DLP in either one of those cars. ;) I made them include delivery in the sale price.

Well, at least you can take a nap on it if you run out of juice.

Purple ? My wife would. She LOVES everything that is purple.

Thanks for posting the pics, folks. I needed a laugh today.

I swear, I thought this HAD to be in Florida. This is the kinda stuff that usually happens here.

I like TuneIn Radio. Have been using it for free on several android phones from the Google store. Just looked it up again. There are two versions, one free and a "pro" version for 99 cents.

Criminy. I finally got my 86 year old dad trained to successfully retrieve voicemails a year ago, on a dumbphone. Now we are working on using a web browser on an actual windows pc. No way am I gonna try to teach him about texting anytime soon. I had to change him from a candy bar style phone to a flip phone just

Now there is a man that loves his Cortana.

We will probably try this out in Florida first. Cause we're crazy down here.