
I think I will wait for it to hit Netflix.

We will have more time to devote to developing interstellar warp drive. ;)

How about a story that doesn't in some way use or reference the F-Word ?

What sort of numnutz puts a shark tank in a shopping mall ?

Yep. You did. :)

Now, make me a sword with Cortana on top, please.....

The issue here is not guns. It is, how can we protect school children and ourselves from nutjobs ? And, why does the NRA even feel a need to react ? Sheesh. How about a statement from the American Psychiatric Association ?

Those Canadians know how to party. I knew there was some reason I always wanted to work for a video game company....

Thanks ! Now I have a few more games on my list to buy !

Dudes and dudettes, Walking Dead is nothing more than a soap opera with zombies. Characters will come and go, maybe come back later on. It's the relationships between the live humans that make the show interesting. Plus, like other soap operas, you can be killed off more than once. :)

Ummm Brighthouse already does this. Wife watches cable tv on her android tablet or android cell phone. No extra fees. Just need to be behind our cable modem at home.

Oh, hell no. Friends do not lay off friends after they have given large chunks of their adult life to the employer. Also, never trust an employer that refers to you as "family".


Last night was apparently "Bring Your Screaming Brat To Walmart Night" at our local Walmart. My wife and I couldn't exit the building fast enough.

"What happens if they crash? Can they get viruses? Can we hack on our own implants? Can someone else hack on them?"

Or, my personal favorites:

Isn't Tau Ceti Alpha where Khan was marooned? We probably shouldn't go there.

McRibs are awesome ! I have no idea what that "meat" came from, but it sure tastes yummy !

Still playing the first Borderlands. Being on Pandora and all, I keep wandering off looking for the big blue people with tails. It gets me killed every time.

Bad Santa and Scrooged are the tops in our book.