
OMG !!!!! He might have to learn how to use a Library !

Never had this problem. Tied up and blindfolded, it's hard for them to check their cell. ;)

Somebody's been 'shroomin' with Neil Patrick Harris.

Easy. It's Huggy Bear's other ride.

Idea for new TV show: America's Future Prisoners !

I am not a good candidate for RK or laser eye surgery. I had my eyeball lenses replaced in 2004 with plastic implants. Same as cataract surgery, only I didn't have cataracts, and the implants were made to fit my perscription. My vision is as good as it was corrected to with contact lenses or glasses. No problems

Got to be careful with those Jedi light sabers on the beach. K ?

It'[s the dead eyes that really creep me out. Questions though:

Definitely Lies. Full moon even affects computer users during the day. 22 years in IT. Also if you are in the funeral business, death calls increase around full moon. 10+ years in funeral industry. Gosh I hated to go do a pick up at an E.R. on a full moon.

Fill the barrels with beer. That'll attract more tourists.

Well, yes, many of us still use Vista. I have two Vista desktops at home that will be upgraded with a clean install to Windows 8. The rest of our machines are various Windows 7 flavors or Android. I do not intend to upgrade the win7 machines unless someone drops a handfull of win8 licenses in my lap. But, at 40

I will be on the couch playing xbox 360 games while those of you that actually do running for exercise work this out. Let me know who wins.

Children, this is what happens when you do illegal drugs.

This speaks volumes about their parents.

Kids should not have unfiltered access to the internet. Ever. Well, maybe after they turn 40.

Modeling this goofy, overpriced crap made these men very depressed. And these are gayish clothes on gayish models. I feel so sorry for them. However, I am sure that Yoko's friends will buy her stuff. 75 bucks for a dark hoodie that someone painted a scrotum on with white-out ?

Ain't nothing in that garage a little Windex won't fix.

If gyms were populated with plenty of women with fat butts, I'd definitely sign up for membership. Great article, Lindy.

That is what I suspect. It'll be a short marriage. For her, sex will be just another chore that she does for her husband.

Dragon Wasps ? Really????