
PLEASE do not teach them how to handle firearms. It will end badly for all of us.

Give him a Sawzall for Christmas.

You can tell a lot of love went into that suit of armor.

Nice work ! Now do a Cortana window, please..... :)

Ha! I get to snoop and get paid for it.

Jack Nicholson was the best Joker.

Sounds like it would be a neat movie shoot location. Great place for an evil lair.

OMG !!! We will actually have to TALK to each other on our cell phones instead of posting Facebook messages to each other !

Crap. Now I gotta find some really big scissors to open the package with.

Put a big glass lens in the middle. Then, when the giant alien ants attack, they will be ready to defend the city. I guess you could fry zombie hordes with it also. And the Covenant. And the Flood.

Waitaminnit.................... am I supposed to be wearing pants?

Youse guys forgot the Motorola Atrix HD.

Well, Santa, I'd like a nice drum-fed repeating shotgun, a .50 cal sniper rifle, lots and lots of ammo for them, and a couple machetes. Oh yes, a nice broadsword too, please. Don't forget the holsters and bandoliers, please.

But Will It Blend ?

Adele is one pretty lady.

My personal preference is for the Halos in which one plays the part of Master Chief. I am a regular guy during weekdays. Evenings and weekends I enjoy being a seven foot tall bloodthirsty cyborg.

Thanks for posting both the killing AND the dying. Dying with style is almost as important as killing. Cannot wait till payday so we can go and get it. My wife uses online multiplayer Halo for combating her chronic pain issues along with meds and playing Halo in splitscreen coop with me when I am available.

Guy has skills with balloons. And too much time on his hands.

I've got one too! Mine is for the HTPC in the family room. The dog goes completely bonkers when we move the mouse pointer on the TV screen.

Thanks for the great idea!