right? she is super beautiful. you’d think they’s want her selling their stuff.
right? she is super beautiful. you’d think they’s want her selling their stuff.
She is a national treasure. Protect her at all costs.
Being as generous as I’m willing to be, I can see her not understanding the implications of how she said that. I remember when Trump gushed over April Ryan for asking a good, smart question at a press conference earlier in the year, I had to explain to some of my white friends and co-workers why I thought that was…
Reminds me of when my wife, who’s Hispanic and an attorney who graduated from a top law school, went to a family baby shower where she played boggle with a bunch of middle aged white ladies (in-laws of a cousin). Unintentionally, she utterly wrecked them, and apparently got some really weird reactions.
And people wanted to play dumb in the Jeremy Lin article about black people not being ostracized for their hair...
India is fucking awesome and braver than I would’ve been at her age. The fact that they tried to expel herfor sitting is the whole reason she’s sitting.
It used to be possible, 20-30 years ago, to think that they at least MIGHT just be ‘contrarians’ playing ‘Devil’s Advocate’ in the safe knowledge that it meant no more than arguing that the Empire might have a point, or perhaps velociraptors have just as much right to eat people as we have to eat chickens, or that…
1920's Germans who had only just heard of Nazism get a pass. Everyone else, no.
Seriously? Defending this by exploiting one of the ways black women survive white supremacy?
Reminds me of the movie “10" with Bo Derek and the HUGE attention she got for her cornrows (1979)
Fwiw, Asian dude here. Lin, not OK. Martin, also not OK. Both being not OK doesn’t make them both OK—we’re not doing algebra.
Yeah.... we don’t need to talk about Jeremy Lin’s “dreadlocks”... Them shits are dreadful..BUT they AIN’T LOCKS.
What’s next, getting on Black women for relaxing their hair?
Seriously, that has to be one of the most absurd faux-intellectual attempts at deflection I’ve seen in these comment sections.
I don’t know why people want to pretend that it’s not relevant. If the police treat people like *that*, it’s no surprise that some people resort to vigilantism.
People who haven’t seen it and think “No wire hangers!” is just a punchline on a late night talkshow.
Black People are not allowed to have a bad day/moment, ever.
I will likely never see this, but knowing in advance that the dog doesn’t die DOES tip the scales in this movies favor.
Part of me wants to explain to you that, yes, black people can be racist. And, in fact, if you study the history of this country, it would only make sense that black people become racist, as fear of white people could be seen as a perfectly logical response to SLAVERY, JIM CROW, THE POLICE SYSTEM, THE EDUCATIONAL…