Jane Error

There needs to be a Commission of Deciding Which Statues are Cheap Crap to be Melted Down and Which Depict Something Unsavoury But Have Merit to be Relocated to a Museum.

I propose a divided approach: melt down the generic pro-Confederacy monuments but leave the ones depicting specific Confederate figures. Those monuments we deface.

It’s not turning it into. That literally is what the debate was already about.

Keeping this spotlight shining is UNnormalizing Trump. It’s forcing the remaining moderate GOPs and wavering independents to really see who they voted.

(Hopefully, it will also force progressives and centrists to agree on some sort of

Hey, it took 9 black people being gunned down to take down the confederate flags from public property... it’s either progress or we’ve finally figured out the conversion rate!

The thing here that made me particularly sad was that it sounds as if the son, despite the repeated digs at him and his beliefs, still was the one apologizing and trying to make things work.

Stick ‘em all in one big museum of stupid. Call it The Cracker Barrel. Done and done.


They don’t need to clean it up. They need to knock it down.


Yes. I will buy that some kids with parents who do their best to counter racism still become radicalized by white supremacist groups despite their parents’ efforts, but when a parent says, “My kid’s not racist,” to me that means their kid is definitely racist.

it was meant to be funny, not racist.

You’re complaining about fake outrage by writing multiple screeds that include everything but the Illuminati. See if Amazon sells some perspective or self-awareness.

This guy is great. He has many stories of representing people that are disadvantaged and vulnerable. I’ve heard him on other podcasts and follow him on Twitter.

Yep. Ditto Rwanda, at least for a time.

Well, you know those black bears come up to Maine from NY and CT, and bring their drugs with them so they can impregnate Maine’s white women.

Uh, no.

Yes, Hispanics claiming their ancestors only come from Spain is a big red flag.

Spain is not Puerto Rico.

Thank you for sharing this.