Jane Error

You’re misunderstanding me. I’m saying, “the reason you wouldn’t do horrible things, even without any fear of punishment, should be that you have an ounce of empathy.” Like, I am not buying that most people would be happy to do horrible things if they wouldn’t be punished for it. It takes a sociopath - or someone

Nothing brings out my righteous wrath like Jews who don’t support racial justice. This is our shtick, motherfucker. This is what we do. We didn’t watch Shoah at 8 years old and have nightmares for years and vow to ourselves “never again” just to have assholes like this go “lol, except for Mexicans and Muslims.”

41 and living in Detroit? Yeah, he knew better.

Can confirm, Crown Royal is an overpriced dice bag that comes with a bottle of free whisky.

North Dakota. Uglier and emptier, can confirm it is a hellscape.

... because you have an ounce of empathy? Jesus Christ, dude.

Some of these thoughts went through my head too, followed by “... and I’m going to sit the fuck back and let black women make those points here if they feel like it’s necessary, and if they don’t, then it is DEFINITELY not my place.”

After Suggs had the brilliant idea to highlight her caucasity by posting the incident on Twitter, so many people objected that the couple deleted all of their social media profiles and disappeared into the shadows of UzBeckystan.

At least they could show some kind of visible support for him, or speak out.

Every story like this makes me angry, because it would have such a big impact if all his teammates were supporting him instead of leaving him to protest on his own. If they’re not racists they’re cowards.

My first thought when I saw this was “oh shit, who let this one run in the North American market?” I figured it was 100% intentional, just meant for parts of the world where skin-bleaching is a common thing.

Nice catch, I missed that it probably came down from the district manager.

I don’t mind male writers or commenters. What I mind is when they write about topics that are primarily of interest to men, or irrelevant to the site. Male writer writing about birth control legislation? Great. Male writer talking about his gay sex life? Um, no. That is not a women’s issue.

I’d also like to see this with laws mandating which types of offenders are eligible & not leaving it up to the discretion of the judge to decide who’s a “nice boy from a good family who deserves a second chance” vs a “thug who needs to be taught a lesson.” Because we all know how that plays out in courtrooms.

We’ve “reached” a point? When did you ever consider someone who wants to hear out Nazis to not be a sympathizer?

OK, that’s just horrifying.

I’m a third-generation secular Jew, so no eating kosher for us. I grew up with mayo (and bacon, and cheeseburgers ...).

Wait, for real?

No, I only understand things people spell out really clearly and in detail, and sometimes not even then. I’m not faulting Rooo for not being clear enough, this is a common problem for me, and not just here.