
"Hacking, technically, is illegal" Lols, learn what words mean before you use them!

"Still no excuse..." He doesn't need an excuse, he has no more reason to help than anyone else.

This story is decidedly iffy if you ask me. Firstly it's a former MP so you can trust nothing that he has said or will ever say. Secondly did you read the quotes? He's so sycophantic he could be a writer for Gizmodo!

Jobs gives at most a completely inconsequential amount of his income to charity, Bill Gates on the other hand gives billions of dollars.Ooh and isn't a complete douche.

It's many steps up from an honorary knighthood though.

That is what it has *always* been.

No one should be knighted and the queen should be fired from a large catapult more or less in the direction of France, at least they know what to do with the monarchy there.

Yup, in a selection of ways. Oh no I lost my *everything*

I wondered if maybe this wasn't done in the US? In the UK anyone who cares about their pets get's it done & it costs next to nothing.


We figured that out the same way we figured out what else was good to eat. We saw animals doing it and not dying.

It says "SEALED" on the bag, but his is plainly not true. A hole is clearly visible. Anyway, stupid idea.

Yeah, because what you want is bananas in your fridge making all the other fruit rot.

These Chiquita bananas are they in a air tight sealed bag?

We can assume she gets distracted by everything else also. Ooh a shiny object, the kids under a bus.

This womans incompetent lack of care meant the bank had to pay a specialist to break into a bank vault, I imagine the police also had to turn up and generally she has wasted a lot of peoples time and money.

I'm sorry but if you can't be bothered to make sure you kids have not wondered so fare out of sight that they are no locked in a vault...then yes you should have your kids taken away or better still not had them in the first place.

Yes, that's what keeps a vault closed after someone has closed it manually.

She didn't bother to even think about where her child was for so long that it managed to get in a safe with out her even noticing.

Well yes, of course.