
You're right, everything about the new layout is bad and it dosn't even look nice.

I'm not overly competative, sure winning is slightly nicer than loosing...but the fun is in the playing.

The recent overthrowing of goverments in the middle east is universally supported. Everyone agrees people should have the freedom to choose their govement and not to be thrown in prison for thought crimes.

"PS3 owners have every right to be incredibly pissed off."

Being a douchebag...yet another thing that isn't actually a crime.

Obviously it wouldn't work.

"harms the quality of the product.Sony has every right to take him to court."

"What the fuck is wrong with (you) people?"

Actually I think you get to be as welf righteous as you like when a mega-corp is taking you to court for doing something no one in their right mind could possibly think was illegal...or indeed wrong in any way.

I wonder if there is any cross over between the music and publishing industry, if there is they should pull the lot and make the greedy f*ckers pay.

It's a closed system you either agree or you don't get to use it, so they can do what ever they like.

bombastinator is completely incorrect, it isn't a myth not even slightly.

This has been regulated in the UK for many years, it's a total waste of time.

I really love the black and inlaid wood case with the scroll work, do they make a case for it to go in?