
I know there’s a big difference in the “happy endings” here but at least Kobe Bryant didn’t kill a guy *cough* Ray Lewis

So by the words in your addendum, nothing is a sport then correct?

Pretty sure this is more focused on full priced games riddled with microtransactions

We’ll there’s also the issue of bad parenting. Wish that could be regulated

Hopefully the ESRB rethinks their position. Changes definitely need to be made but I definitely would prefer game companies self regulate rather than the government get in the way.

Well I mean they could try using remote play... 🤣🤣🤣

Sure the Raza nerf opens the door for cubelock to reign, but I’ve also heard it argued that if Highlander priest is played less, it allows for more decks to counter warlock without also having to worry about priests.

Don’t buy an SSD for your PS4. That’s just dumb.

Don’t buy an SSD for your PS4. That’s just dumb.

Yeah if you want to get a gpu nowadays, better to depend on resources like nowinstock to notify you when a gpu becomes available. Better chance of getting it at a price you can live with haha. And make sure to sign up for email notifications from Nvidia and AMD for when they have stock

Yeah I cleared off the HDD space. Maybe I’ll get back to it one day. Depends on my friends playing though and whether I would much rather risk my time to Anthem

Rogue Squadron Wii was done. Hopefully it’ll one day come to the Switch

For anyone interested in getting a star Wars game on the Nintendo Switch, I made a petition to bring cancelled rogue Squadron Wii to the switch

I know most people probably know what happens when you go flawless but if I didn’t know, I’d probably be freaking out wondering “what the hell is that?!” In the thumbnail

Been playing less and less since completing the raid. Finally went flawless in trials this week. Pretty much done with the game for now haha

I don’t get the attraction of using a Pi when you could already use your preexisting laptop or computer. :P

No question. Destiny 2

Ah snap wonder if we’ll come across Saint 14 as well??

Gonna try to climb the ladder in Hearthstone. We’ll see how that goes haha

Ever play exodia mage? It’s not easy learning to play the deck. Being able to get creative when you won’t be able to get the combo in time or when losing a key piece takes some work to figure out.

Definitely think spreading plague could use a nerf. Maybe lower the health of the taunts. Also, the druid death knight should cost more than 7 mana. Putting that out turn 3 is hard to get through. Personally I don’t think ultimate infestation is that bad. Sure they can ramp to it but overall I still think it’s a slow