The steroids will do that to ya.
The steroids will do that to ya.
Yeah, I don’t think Pelosi is quite that ham-handed. I’m guessing she’ll spin stuff out until after the first four or five big primaries, then let McConnell do what he is going to do, cognizant of the fact that the primaries will show a similar surge in turnout among Democratic voters that we saw in 2018 Blue Wave year…
But when the camera pans around to look anywhere but at the set piece behind the podium, we discover that there’s hardly anybody there, and that of the few folks in the seats, many are asleep.
God, I hope so. Their cluelessness may yet be our undoing, but I continue to hope.
I’m going with malignant narcissism with a side order of tertiary syphilis. But can I get that to go, please? Like, on a really long journey?
Yeah, I doubt very much that they will be at all interested. Since they have a government-controlled economy, their BATTNA is much better than ours in terms of needing a trade deal. And I’m sure, as a cuntry that takes a long-term view, they are eager to see Trump, with his instability and crudeness, gone as soon as…
Oh, it’s worse than that. Trade negotiations with China start tomorrow, in an attempt by the remaining non-syphilitic members of Trump’s Administration to roll back some of these insane tariffs before they tajk our economy completely. Today, just before the pulled quote that’s referenced by many news outlets that…
Oh, I have never forgotten about it. It creeps me out to this day.
If we were low-life memesters like the republicans, this would be our new slogan:
This is a crucial and illuminating question. Bravo!
I wish I had enough computer skillz to reproduce some of the hilarious images from the Twitter explosion entitled #civilwarsignup from earlier this week. It shows many humorous photos of the incels and often-unhealthy rural folks who would be the soldiers in his imaginary civil war.
It’s true! (Snork!)
Their internal ugliness is creeping out to their appearances. Coco Chanel diagnosed this syndrome years ago.
Nahhhhhhh. Clancy Brown has an open, honest face. That guy looks like a low-level mobster.
Grassley, for sure. He’s getting kinda fed up.
Sadly, they’ve already done it. Four years out of the twelve we have left to cut our carbon emissions significantly is one-third. We will be, in 2021, already 33% behind where we would need to be to prevent that dangerous and untenable temperature increase headign towards every human, animal, plant, bird, fish, and…
Rudy has claimed that Manafort didn’t help him when he contacted him in the pen? Now, that’s rich. This guy’s only chance at not spending the rest of his life behind bars is sucking up to Trump as hard as he can, and he’s not going to pass up an opportunity to get another gold star from TrumpWorld if he can!
Ooooh, that’s a must-read right there. Tks.
I mean, I guess he is scared of being thrown under the bus so that the Republicans can get a different candidate. Certainly, there’s a lot of scuttlebutt going around that several dozen Republican Senators would vote to convict if McConnell actually allows a trial and vote. It’s definitely a Prisoner’s Dilemma thing…
I’m concerned that this is another Shiny Object Ploy, designed to wave a controversy and shiny lies in front of a gawping press, who are so startled by its perfidiousness that they lose interest in the previous and more beneficial one, “Boy, those Democrats seem to be doing well in the polls!”