Poodletime II: the Return of Poodletime

But Thu Evangelicals! How will they be recruited to Mittens? I’m not seeing this as a super-helpful strategy for them. Plus, I don’t think non-Kool-Aid voters are going to be in a forgiving mood, and I think a lot of Trump’s enablers in  the Senate are going to go down, regardless of who is the nominee.

Yeah, I have been wondering about this, too.  Why no exit plan?  I just put it down to arrogance.


Simple stuff is definitely going to be the best. Whistleblower stuff, Scotland stuff, tax return stuff, then the porn star payments that helped himwin” the election. Throw in Contempt of Congress and violations of the oath of office, and you’ve got a nice well-rounded menu there.

Well, I hope the handwringing will be kept to a minimum, because the level of un-matched rectitude on the part of the Democrats was going to drown us all if it went on any longer.

Gots to agree here.


Totes agree. Wait until Moscow Mitch says he’ll never bring it to a vote, and then just say,” OK.”

Gots to agree.  Make a big show and  drag it out as long as possible.

Oh, you betcha! The Trumpsters are fascinating, in that they don’t seem to understand that your liability for crimes done not he job extends to the point after you leave a job. But again, they are not the sharpest tools in the shed.

I’ve been positing that, too. People have such a short memory these days.I had also wondered if she was holding out for a time closer to the election.  But then time just ground on and on, and folks started to get very impatient and Trump started to get feistier and feistier, and I lost faith that theory, too.

I had thought, months and months ago, that she was waiting for something big that was also very explicable. The word “emoluments” has been tripping us up for months, ‘cause if that crime had a better name, we could have gone with that quite a while ago.

It’s Impeachment Inquiry Day! Anything could happen! I mean, one thing we do know, once Trump goes down, he’s going to go down in a hurry, and the burning smell will be horrific. Because when you have no personal loyalty to anyone, and you inspire no one’s personal loyalty, and your only power comes from fear,

Put that guy under witness protection, STAT!

And, as some wag pointed out last night, it’s about the future election, not the past election. Americans are a forward-looking people, and are very likely to discount things that happened in the past. I’m outraged that Trump had Putin’s help to “win” the past election, but apparently, most people don’t find that as

This is crucial, methinks.

And, as Pelosi herself pointed out today, while talking to a meeting at The Atlantic magazine, it’s something he’s done that’s relatively easy to explain to the American people.

That is a most excellent analogy. It only worked in Shaun of the Dead, and I know from bitter experience that we are not living in a magical realism world. If all goes to spec., they are boned.

Fake transcript, possibly contradicted by actual testimony.  That will just get Trump and the Trumpsters in worse trouble.

Yeah, well, as my Mo used to say, that and 15 cents will get you a cup of coffee, unnamed official. Of course someone from the Administration is going to claim that it’s second-hand knowledge. When the person testifies, we’ll know for real.