
So? That doesn’t make him a rapist is all I’m saying. He’s minimizing his own son’s behaviour, he’s a douchbag and heavily biased. It doesn’t follow however that only a rapist could defend their rapist son in these circumstances. Parents overlook, justify, and minimize their children’s crimes in this manner all the

No, it’s not. Parents defend their children’s reprehensible crimes all the time, including murderers. It doesn’t mean those parents are murderers themselves. It helps no one to level unfounded rape accusations at people for no reason.

Which is funny because she already has a job, which is being a famous movie star and millionaire but people still think he should pay her money for some reason? It’s just an automatic thing that the guy pays the girl money in a divorce?

But why should he? She’s a successful movie star herself and likely a millionaire. Why doesn’t she give him money? Why should “spousal support” even be a thing when two rich people get divorced?

Uh, no. Amber Heard is a millionaire. There is no reason for “spousal support” to enter into it whatsoever. She can support herself. Why shouldn’t she pay him spousal support then? It makes just as much sense (ie: none).

Judge Pug Presiding

So? An old Jewish guy has to cast his comedies 50% black or he’s a racist now? There were plenty of black people in Curb... as for Seinfeld it’s a show about white jewish people in New York. Get some perspective.

I really hate “Youtubers” in general. Ever since they started running ads for that Youtube personality Lily Singh who’s going on some dumb tour. I looked at her videos and they are the dumbest fucking things ever. Who wants to watch some cheeseball talking at the camera for 10 minutes straight about inane nothingness?

The hilarious part of this case is the incredibly transparent make over his defense gave him to look innocent. I have to admit though it kind of works because they transformed him from looking like a douchebag bro to some kind of Harry Potter extra.

Probably the most pervasive myth in modern North American politics is that when it comes to the economy, conservatives are like pragmatic realist serious adults and liberals are like dumb spoiled teenagers with no concept of the value of a dollar. In reality, in both Canada and the US the opposite is fairly self

Racial stuff aside, she’s also just too damn pretty to play Nina Simone. It’d be like if they cast Natalie Portman as Janis Joplin.

Well having to resort to homosexuality to get off would be a punishment for a straight person, just like it would be vice versa for a gay person, so that’s not offensive either.

But why would he spend money unnecessarily to hire a model when he needed money for things he really needed, like parts for the robot? To appease some vague concerns about celebrity rights from random people on the internet?

What makes you think he knows someone willing to model for him for untold hours or the money to pay someone to do that? And why would he do that when he could use celebrity references.

It was a joke.... you are way fucking oversensitive if you somehow find that offensive. Let me guess, you think it’s offensive because it implies that being gay is a choice or something. No it doesn’t Just stop

Lol he can’t handle it that a woman is smarter than him? You think that’s why he’s attacking her? Or maybe it’s because he’s literally running a campaign against her, like a political one, for the Democrat nomination. Sanders has run possibly the nicest, least aggressive, least negative campaigns ever against Clinton,

or cares only about the money/fame. What a surprise all these rich famous people mostly only care about getting richer and more famous. That’s how they got rich and famous.

This is why you shouldn’t buy the bullshit feminist angle from “artists”/pop culture props like Beyonce et al. They don’t write any of it. It’s all written by men who are writing it because they know it sells right now. Support real artists with their own vision, not sex object props...and that label includes male

Yes really...the American Democrat party would be considered right wing in most other countries such as Canada and the UK.