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    Honest to god if more Cards fans were like this... I'd still hate them with the heat of a nova. Fuck the Cardinals.

    Greg, I suspect you’re going to be getting a phone call and an offer.

    Yeah, I’d like to revise that part. :)

    I chose my words poorly. I meant to suggest that soccer fans in the Spanish speaking world (such as my Mexican, Central American and South American fellow fans) will consider missing a kick on purpose as the honorable thing to do, as opposed to folk who play the game in different cultures (such as America).

    Took me a minute... :)

    This and your other posts are pretty persuasive. I’m not entirely convinced he did it on purpose but I’m not as convinced it was accidental.

    It may also be reasonable to suggest that the handball was entirely unintentional and coincided with his fall.

    I’m not so sure he’s lying, Kevin. The Spanish announcers were saying Guardado should just roll the ball to Pinedo (alert: I got that info very much second hand) and they started openly cheering, in a kind of depressed way, for Panama (of that I’m sure of). It might not be possible for Americans to consider missing

    There are the ones where he and his gaggle of friends (Kevin James, Nick Swardson, Allen Covert, Rob Schneider, David Spade, even Robert Smigel)...

    So Jordan is at it again, I see.

    Speaking of old school Deadspin. Well played, sir.


    Took me a minute. +1

    Yep. :) At the time, I believed it but that was before the USWNT played their best game of the tournament against Germany. I think we saw two UWNT’s—one before Germany and one after. The one that came after was the best team in the tournament.

    How is it the eyes are the scariest part of that picture?

    Not bothering to post ‘cuz this wins.

    There is a risk of aggravating the injury if he turns it again (possible!). I’m honestly not sure of the risk of causing more damage but I’m certain that if he were playing another sport, he’d be out for a while.

    It depends on a lot of things. He’s basically got a bad ankle sprain that would sideline an aerobic athlete for at least six weeks, if not longer. For an anaerobic athlete, it’s a lot more variable. He might give it a go but he’ll be in some pain because it ain’t healing before 7/17.

    According to Google translation, it has something to do with skin whitening. Spammy post, I guess.

    This is why I scroll through Gawker. Long form pieces that are informative, engaging... it may not get the traffic of 500 Days of whoever but hopefully the powers that be will realize that this was a great read and find more articles like it.