
There's a clear and important difference between "not liking women" and not liking the behavior of some women. Do you understand?

That's a foul picture you painted, not at all what I said.

There are pictures of her in a bikini:

You're like Telemundo.

No. They've perfected the crass bait-n-switch.

Yeah, she begins whining so what had been a mildly amusing entertainment starring a wonderfully busty woman with a pleasing persona becomes befouled and dull, a rotten bait-n-switch.

Joanie talking about such things is rather depressing.


This article is an asshole.

It does not matter.

Melodramatic blather. Sarcasm, the new wisdom for idiots.

Subhuman filth should be pushed into the sea. Right?

Embrace everything up to the point, you should.

Embrace everything up to the point, you should.

Disaster? For what outcome were you hoping?

Disaster? For what outcome were you hoping?

That's just plain creepy, chump.


I am serious. I did not come here to insult women, so I didn't. Go beat off to some comic book character in the Barcade bathroom, fucker.

Fuck off hypocrite. You opened it up to the "hate" with your instant and consistently insulting responses.