
Typical beta response, shithead.

You're a fraud, a shame, a pussy.

You're inferences are all fucked up, pindick. It's therapeutic to torch a little beta-maggot like you, good for the blood flow.

I didn't watch that video either. Get a can of gas, pour it all over your bed and yourself, lie down and light it up.

I'm sure you did find a video since your life evolves around "content", a pitifully shallow existence. Again, self immolate right away, and tape it for your fellow asshole "club" "members". I didn't watch the video, you pile of dog shit. Go fuck yourself.

Those you love will froth about their mouths, convulsing in ecstasy at the news of your self immolation. So set yourself on fire, with a quickness, you fucked-up tit.

Nobody of your ilk is in charge, you know this in your heart of hearts. That's why you're a pop culture junkie, which is meaningless, hollow, lacking in impact. Eat shit, you poof.

Says a "member" of the A.V. "club"…

"Real women have curves" is also a phrase floating about Western culture in various forms of media. There is a definite correlation between that phrase entering the Western lexicon and the rise of the American obesity epidemic. Clearly the phrase itself does not cause obesity, but it has been co-opted as a response to

I have one account.

I shouldn't have allowed you to drag me down into the insult arena. I'll go so far as apologize for insulting you. Your misogynist accusations are completely wrong.

I have one account with which I do not post misogynistic comments.

I never blame women for obesity in America. That's your first faulty inference. Singling out women does not make anyone a misogynist. You can keep repeating otherwise until you're blue in the face but it'll never be true. It's "real women" have curves, take umbrage with the arrogant and stupid nature of that phrase.

Speaking about women does not make anyone a misogynist. Your logic is shit.

Go read an adult comic book or fanboy something.

It's a new account. Your faulty inferences are your problem.

Read and reread, it's there.


Go watch an adult cartoon.

If I cared about you reading my previous comments I would hide them from you. There's nothing arrogant about my comment and my comment does not betray hatred towards women. Your faulty inferences are a problem. Sort yourself out.