
You're making an inappropriate inference, the implication doesn't exist.

The parts that don't refer to women.

You're speaking for you. There's no "we" or "us", just you, a chunt.


Don't respond to me.

No, I all the way didn't. Manginas are "progressively" programed to think any criticism of women is misogyny. Sad little bitches.

Don't respond to me anymore.

If you find looking down on sad caricatures funny then you have a foul personality. Dominance and looking down on others and ridicule seems to be your things. There's nothing special about you. Just another jackass, sarcasm spewing, unenlightened, unbalanced, pile of shit.

Which I did not do. Women certainly are part of the obesity epidemic though.

Weirdo mall cop using asshead caps-lock. Go to bed, chump.

You're singling out the portions of my comment that refer to women, likely because you're a mangina. In its entirety my comment does not single out women.

Sad and inaccurate.

I don't say misogynistic things, and I didn't.



I said goodbye to you.


There's no reason to keep referring to "we" and "us", there's just you, a cunt.

No, I think the truth is the truth. There's nothing misogynistic about my comment.

It's fucked that you regard the truth as inappropriate. You're part of The Problem, fucker. Sort yourself out with a quickness or just set yourself on fire, prick-mall-cop.