
Pathetic troll.

I hate you.

You're all huff-n-puff, no substance.


Your sarcastic pontification was pure melodrama, meaningless.

Bye, weird mall cop.


That wouldn't make sense.

Why are calling me a bigot?

You don't seem to understand the meaning of misogyny. Your use of the term here is not appropriate, weird mall cop.

You're a lost cause, reveling in snarky vulgarity. Ciao.

There's no fat shaming going on in my comment. None at all. Just a presentation of facts.

Giant calorie meals are clearly related to obesity.

I singled out the behavior of some women because those women are complaining about media. I also discussed the "vanity sizing" which applies to everyone. I did not imply that women are the reason there is an obesity epidemic. I discussed the recent "real women have curves" notion which is clearly related to women, not…

The notion that singling out women, particularly for something that is true, is the ultimate crime is disgusting.

Nothing condescending about my 2 paragraph comment which isn't a lecture, you shitheel mall cop.

You take your comment board rules too seriously.My comment is loosely related to the article. I'm not obsessed with the topic.

No. It's related. Give it some thought…

Melodramatic nonsense.

Not a misogynist. Loosely related to the topic. Not hostile. In a great relationship.