
Yeah the case is not a looker. I once heard someone quip about how its a “feature” because a thief won’t take that headphone case

Yeah that is interesting. Seems weird for a small boutique company to do a sponsorship deal like that, but yeah you never know. Seems weird to me since audible positioning isn’t that important, and they’re probably just plugged into a controller or something anyway. They are comfortable tho

around $1500

MrSpeakers Ether C’s seem a little overkill for FIFA playing?

What’s wrong other than bronze?

You got me to LOL on bronze

The UN logo! The truth has been in plain sight this whole time!

Are the Sotuh Park joke writing Manatees his speechwriters now?

He’spblacing blame on the Bernie supporters who did not back Hillary once she secured the nomination

Cultural emphasis on sprinting’s importance. Also maybe the thing you said

Ivy league does not give tuition free athletic scholarships

They did a splatoon and gave birth to Splatoon

He’s... Ron Burgundy....?

People claiming Obama is Muslim are indeed crazy, because that is a singular discrete fact that is incredibly easily disproven yet their insistence remains.

Trump isn’t any regular president, has his party in Congress, and an atom bomb doesn’t take a long time to change things

nuclear* meltdowns

You’re right. The job of Cal football coach is much more important, and their decisions heavily affect most of our lives.

Why? Can you not trade away consecutive firsts?

My GF thought I was insane playing that game, but loved Nanako and would end up watching

This would have been a better attempt at a joke if the actual bright yellow towel was not clearly visible in the gif