
This was good kinja. But now that I know that guy is a soccer player, its GREAT kinja

I see you’re well versed in kinesiology

... Because they both scored zero touchdowns...?

Sure, probably. But thus is not what Trump means. He thinks they suck because they try to report facts about him

The Cavs are not followed by all of Ohio, and the particular county in question went blue, so....


Has that ever happened?

No, because a zygote is the fusion of sperm and egg. Unless of course you do some super weird shit with those socks

Yeah, but the team that came back was the one with the best MLB record that season. The Warriors had the best record of all time and were the ones who blew it

They could just be booing him as, you know, a terrible person with hateful ideas who is running for president.

We all know it’s not true , that’s the entire point of the joke . Trump constantly says false things have merit because people are saying it

He was obviously using the word pesky in jest to illustrate his point

Longtime Reds fan here. He really struggles with control if he’s not well rested, this would bear itself out if he did 3 1-inning appearances in a row, as we refused to use him longer like Maddon does (which is a shame).

Lol I’ll admit the specific food choice may have been a bad example, but the narrative of the kid having a good point and the parents not willing to hear it still works for Norman/NFL

Josh Norman is the whiny child at the grocery store, who has surprisingly sound and valid arguments for why we need cookies, and the parents can’t deal with it, devolving into “no, because we say so”

The best MySpace page! Not even Tom can believe how great it is!

Ummm.... Do you know about the sports?

I had the same thought, I could see why it would affect his season but not his career (unless keeper)

Jerry Jones for $800, Alex

+1breathable fabric