
yup. Just found it here.

That's strange, I think Amazon is accepting ps4 pre orders right now for AC4

Also. In order to take down the ghosts with the Sunglasses you must first suck the glasses off their face.

I wonder how good the game will look on ps4 compared to ps3.

I will read this article tonight (at work), but how is the graphics with respect to pc v ps3? I'm not sure which version to get, but I'm going to save some hard drive space and just get it on ps3 if the game looks the same on both versions.

Uh, being a man, I was raised in that same manner that you just used to generalize every women on this planet. You have no evidence to back up your claim so your post makes zero sense.

What would happen is people would troll him by saying men can't be raped. They would also investigate if he was gay to justify the acts.

If there will always be consoles just like their will always be set top boxes to stream movies and TV shows. There may be a switch to cloud gaming in the future, but you will always need a box to accomplish that goal.

your a clown. IT only takes 4-500 dollars to build a pc to play on high settings.

Gizmodo had ads all over their site today about Sim city, They're gone now though


THIS is unacceptable!! It's the principle that pisses me off so much, and not the fact I have to wait.

This is my second city. I'm in the process of converting my town to clean energy, but the output of Wind and Solar cannot compete with fossil fuels at the beginning.

I just took this screenshot in game. I'm new to this whole pc gaming stuff, but I just cannot get over how amazing this thing looks on pc.

The beginning of Mirror's Edge is amazing in my opinion

2023 Nintendo will officially pull out of the hardware business lol.

My issue with this topic is where were the complaints at every Apple conference that only features men and zero women? Additionally, some of these blogs complaining about this issue have zero women in senior positions. Heck, some of them don't even have African Americans on the payroll, yet they up in arms about Sony

Does anyone think that Sony will be launching a disc less Ps4 sku alongside of the Blu ray model? If they do, then the disc less model, will not play used games at all.

Also Ubi can do ALOT of neat things with the Wii U game pad and this title.

I'm going with PS4 next gen at launch along with my Wii U. I'll probably get a 720 down the road after an initial price drop.