
1. Gjallarhorn

HaHA, I lost zero followers, because apparently 166 humans like pictures of my cats and face.

Then don't dissect the joke? I mean, that's the simple answer. Unless you/zephyr0 secretly like getting in to these conversations.

I feel like the only person in the world that is not impressed by this game. I think the Division and Destiny look far better.

Maybe something is wrong with me, I should get checked. :/

It almost seems that humor is subjective?

Interesting how the "Why I'm a PC gamer" has a very civilized discussion mostly of PC gamers who agree with the article and very few if any console gamers on there badmouthing PC gamers (at least last time I checked). Yet, over here, we see quite a few comments like yours, as if PC gamers have to also visit this

Yes, because it's the resolution that makes the game.

Spoilers: this week is PS4 launch week, so there will be a shitload of Sony coverage.

I am the very model of a scientist Salarian... :(

You shut up and buy Doritos now!


Ok. I'll bite. What's the profanity? (Use * if you must.) I googled and came up dry...

Dude, no way! The art style changes sometimes and umm that makes it a totally different game or something . . .

When you dis Dre, you dis yourself.

In stories like this, I always picture the yello brick, I don't know why..