I love Kumail and his luxurious eyebrows
I love Kumail and his luxurious eyebrows
Will we ever get a new Civ Rev for consoles? Dont get me wrong the PC version is the best, but I loved playing the console version every now and then with people who found the PC version too intimidating.
Am I missing something here? What the fuck is the big deal about this game? I hope this generation will see the downfall of the team deathmatch shooter. ANd on top of that it's multiplayer only? which means it probably wont be playable offline.
Im all for dedicated servers, but they really need to do a better job of hyping up the cloud. Because if its just dedicated servers, ok I got it, now shut the fuck up about it because its not the second coming of christ.
For me Walking Dead definitely had the story, but the gameplay on SoD trumps anything that Telltale brought to the table.
like i said, Are we not allowed to call out things sounding weird? Youre the one who put whatever tone you thought I had on me.
Also its a pretty hyperbolic statement in itself since you could argue at least a handful of zelda games could be considered radically different thatn the other ones in some way or another.
Well, I am pretty dumb. And i was just busting some chops like everyone else does. Sheeeesh.
Man you are hostile. Yea I guess I shouldve put it in, but that doesnt mean I'm not allowed to think it sounds weird.
yup, that was also a part of that sentence.
This game was my first blew my mind when I played it. It seemed so BIG!
I'm sure you've already played one.
"The game was radically different than any other Zelda before"
That's also RuPaul's catch phrase on drag race.
You mean they used to have pretty much one face for all, and now they have a plethora of faces. I cant understand how that would impact the stats in any way **eyeroll**
yea I was because I just dont believe that she cares about anyone in the world. glad my humor made it through my snark :)
lol, yea ok. Im sure she has post it notes all over her apt reminding her that she has a baby.
I mean usually I would say that she knows what shes doing. But there's just nothing behind those eyes.
There's a special brand of hate I reserve for anyone that makes me side with Kim Kardashian
Jonathan Blow may make some really great games, but his personality is pretty awful. He just sounds so pretentious and high on himself.