Ima get this game pregnant
Ima get this game pregnant
I wanna be you for a day
This story weighs at least 20 courics. not the kotaku piece, the original. love you kotaku. hate you katie.
If they arent the rules of the original gameboy game then its not Tetris.
all of those, and also Matt Fraction's entire run.
clenching. clenching! poop cramp almost passed. uggghhh
This game is actually COD: Majora's Mask!!! You are all fools! I'm gonna play russian roulette with the skull kid.
the achievement was the icing on the cake
COD: Majora's Mask?!?!?!?!?
I hope to god I can crash that blimp into something!!!!
Yea to HIS god. to which I say, fuck em.
Ya know, I will totally concede to the fact the mouse keyboard set up gives much tighter control for an FPS. But one thing that does bug me about it is clicking, or even pushing any keyboard key to shoot for that matter. Which is why I play on consoles, because pulling the R trigger keeps me that much more immersed.…
I hope its a Lutece
Im just loving the music this season.
Its actually not a movie, but the doc "Riding Giants" can instantly put me in a good mood.
Ive never seen so many masochists. IF YOU HATE IT, WHY CLICK THE LINK? WHYYYY?
I dont get the pre hate for this game just for being highly anticipated
Man dude, that sucks. I'm still pretty pumped about it. You could just not play them. I dunno, I hate coming into a comment thread to bash, but it just seems like a really annoying statement to make.
I'd like to think this can happen in 5. Hopefully paving the way for the little rubiks cube projector in prometheus.