poo javelin

It’s almost a little too sexy even as it sits. It’s like that bar tender that you know is nothing but a big bag of expensive daddy issues but you can’t help your half-drunk stupid self from hitting on her anyway in hopes of a one night stand that ends with you waking up the next morning...naked, wallet missing and

Crack Pipe

remember when ben carson removed brain surgeon from consideration as a basis for intelligence?


I know. You have to put in some work to become a rocket scientist.

Reached for a statement, Rally Cat said, “That’s just great, just fucking great. I got a lawyer now. Whoopee. Where the fuck was he a week ago before these assholes chopped my balls off?”

and how his supporters just don’t get it...

I don’t know guys he looks serious:

World’s best military force vs. inbred hicks with guns who think they’re all Jack Bauer but aren’t even Jack Shit.

Either way, somebody needs to cut a bitch.

The resulting risk of this is that the oil could spray onto the windshield, thus impairing vision

Actually, it’s one of the first “recent” “horizontal” “single person” “Amy Schumer” photos on Getty Images, which is how we choose photos.

Chillin’ out, range-maxing all cool.

On the Autobahn, where I spent most of my days...

Don’t know about born and raised, but I guess at least some people were conceived in Westfalia

In Westphalia born and raised... 

So Obama is a source of life bringing energy and trump is a dead moon that every now and then stumbles in the way?

Yes, but let’s not forget those terrifically edgy, comically ground-breaking Bud Light commercials she did with Seth Rogen, another genius who’s in the same league as Richard Pryor or George Carlin.

Sarah Silverman is the WORST!