poo javelin

He has the best violence…

If Liberty was really interested in evening the playing field, there’s a much simpler way; abolish the prize payments, and especially Ferrari’s “being an Italian team racing since 1950” bonus.

Once the previous generation of these inbred degenerates isn’t running the Justice Department…

If you take away all the participation trophies, how will the fucktards remember the traitorous failures that begat them?

Chevrolet America said “Jalopnik? No… Fucking… Way!”

Given a president who makes the best deals, maybe the AIs become voodoo gods…

I’m hoping on a long and peaceful life, since as a trusted Kinja commenter, I can be useful in rounding up others to toil in our insect overlords’ underground sugar caves!

Why does everyone east of it have to suffer?

We don’t need a rambling, nonsensical bumpkin who hasn’t a clue about the action, we already have Coulthard!

Bowyer looks like he might know a club or bar they could both enjoy…

I thought it was Turd Sandwich…

Now playing

Just because the BMW didn’t indicate doesn’t mean he didn’t turn deliberately!

Not any, but itemise the monies being stopped as punishment and deduct that from the returns. The only problem is, that’s pretty much two steps from the Second American Civil War*…

Now playing

Actually, it refused to be rescued by one of the boats used to rescue migrants and turned away from them!

Far-right bigot runs for leader of Far-right bigot party. Who’da thunk…

Slogan from that Pence website;

I’d bet “I’ll poo” was Raphael’s thought just before contact!