poo javelin

Isn’t there a ‘k’ missing at the end of that sentence?

“When challenged, he refused to remove his gloves…”

I need to get an eyetest - I was scrolling through and was sure that said “five prostitutes”!

Post-Brexit interviews #27…

Wow! From guy who would struggle to make two jumps before tripping on a rope and smashing his face in…

I thought conversion vans were the reason they then needed to buy a wagon!

Now playing

Opposite take: Vin… What are you doing, man? It’s 9:08 and you’re partied out…

Four people gone from a class of six????

He has some in his back pocket to plant, just in case…

Yep that’s it! Right down to the sounds coming out of a fat Irish guy…

Can we do it for real? Pretty please?

$50 on “shot in the back while walking back to his corner”…

It looks like it was parked on level 7 of an Austin garage…

…no, it’s noise! And put some bloody clothes on while you’re turning it down.

Not really…

You’re fine as long as it’s not on the leather!

Seriously, what aren’t you telling us?

So, Johnny Depp to play him in the movie!?