Let’s enjoy that a bit more…
Let’s enjoy that a bit more…
The finest piece of satirical writing in the English language…
60 characters to be beamed into deep space? OK…
When aliens send their people, they’re not sending their best… They’re sending aliens that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing anal probes. They’re bringing crime. They’re cattle mutilators. And some, I assume, are good aliens!
#MessageToVoyager I’d like to remind you that as a trusted Kinja commenter, I could be helpful in rounding up others to toil in your underground sugar caves!
Camel-toe or moose-knuckle!?
Definitely Crack Pipe…
Isn’t that a North Carolina issue?
Does Conspiracy Brotha get to come too?
This is San Francisco; “blown SBC in a 4x4" sounds more like a Florida story!
That’s why he’s earning millions and I’m on Kinja!
That’s on the corner of Dahmer Plaza, isn’t it?
That’s just testing the waters, before re-introducing peasant shooting…