V-TEC hasn’t kicked in yet…
V-TEC hasn’t kicked in yet…
They were using heavier steel, but still the same crappy attempt at rustproofing!
A friend of mine never had less that 3 of them; it was the only way to be sure something ran, and that was with 5 year old cars…
I understand reading is hard; you just need to keep practicing…
Given the evil that has to be erased, shouldn’t an imam get the first try?
And the property was still owned by an insane, publicity whore megalomaniac then…
If they choose to set foot there, they’ve given up their innocence…
If you decide on a Trump property for your wedding, this is what you’re praying for!
If you want that put back to the way it left the factory, you have a death wish!
An Alfa GTV6? What, do you thing they can magically glue all your rust back together to make a car?
You’re misunderstanding the question. It was “like to see an OEM bring back to the standard it originally left the factory in.”
Has he got anything to say about the marketing division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation?
Maybe she should recommend him to replace McMaster at the NSA, so she won’t be the least competent holder of that post in the last 50 years too!
Use potato flour instead. Although it binds much faster than plain flour, so I’d start with just 1/4 cup and add more slowly if needed to stiffen the dough.
They’re ok as long as none of them are Irish! Or Polish… Or German… Or Indian… Or Burmese… Or Mexican… Or Malaysian…
That depends; the MkI and MkII had the speedo behind the wheel.
Finally, we spot the evil genius behind the Shite House Press Team…