poo javelin

He has to like the Cubans because they’re guaranteed citizenship once their foot touches the sand!

No… Opening your mouth shows you to be a dope!

I was going to congratulate you for trawling through Unicode pages, and then I googled “Blackletter”!

Are you tired of all his winning yet?

No, it’s not how your auto industry works. Here, any state aid would be referred to Europe for investigation as a possible illegal subsidy.

I’m sure he’ll find a way in there to make profitable use of his time…

That one’s reserved for ranting about Mexicans…

You do realise this will not entail a significant change in lifestyle for many of the people participating…

Now playing

I just noticed; you’ve given up on your secret identity?

Give it a few months and John McCain will have played both parts…

It’s not that unusual!

“Nine throws? Whadda maroon!”

Go read io9 and realise that as recently as January 2015, “President Trump” was the gag cameo in a Sharknado movie…

Let’s just reflect on this - as recently as January 2015, the concept of “President Trump” was thought of in the same vein as being chased through the streets of a major US city by flying sharks…

So, does it get more or less peppermint-y as the battery drains?

You forget - the EDL want to round up those Poles as well!

When Armenia sends its people, they’re not sending their best…

For most of the knuckle-draggers who’ll cheer this on, “I woulda goten inta eighth grade if it wernt for those negros!” would be closer to the truth…