poo javelin

The press were pissed off and out for blood, because they were told John Miller would be taking the podium!

Just like his winning, it’s hard to keep track!

but fair warning: watch your goddamn feet so weird photos don’t end up on some dark corner of the internet Quentin Tarantino’s laptop!

So who will let us know when she pummels you to death with the thigh bone of an antelope!

Puked all over the Japanese Prime Minister during an official White House dinner! Daddy, not Shrub…

Would that be Trump Casinos, Trump Steaks, Trump University or the USFL?

Now playing

Given there were still two weeks before their next definite sushi order…

If it’s not, we need to organise a write-in campaign on the Jersey ballot!

Next up… Cross Lamborghini off your wish list?

We have a big farming community and they like to blow off some steam up some engines in the weekends.

Well, given that it’s a wedding album, she won’t be getting to a nunnery!

Sorry, busy coding; only saw your pleas now! How many times have you been told the same thing?

Try learning stuff before posting; Mussolini had blackshirts…

Shut up, Eccles!

That’s a fucktonne of souls she’s got!

I’m presuming there’s two little men holding hands on top!

That’s how Dolt45 sees himself. Unfortunately, the truth is…

And there’s still 272 days until the next “Seven Days In May”!

Yes, Islam is a threat to gay people and must be stopped…